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Paul Feinstein,  Professor

Laboratory of Olfaction


Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Office Phone: (212) 650-3169

(Text) 646-234-5986

Office: 904HN
Lab Web Site:



Research Interest:

To understand how Humans perceive Parkinson's Disease Odors



To understand how Humans perceive odors.


To understand how OR singular gene choice occurs in olfactory neurons.


To understand how OR dependent axonal identity occurs


To understand how many GPCRs traffic to the plasma membrane and why ORs do not.


To understand the role of trigeminal neurons in whisker function.




Co-Founder: MouSensor, LLC.


Linkedin Profile


Google Scholar Records



37) R. Higuchi-Sanabria, E.J. Garcia, D. Tomoiaga, E.L. Munteanu, P. Feinstein,P, and L.A. Pon. (2016)

Characterization of Fluorescent Proteins for Three- and Four-Color Live-Cell Imaging in S. cerevisiae.
PLoS One 2016 Jan 4;11(1):e0146120. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146120.

Citations 0


36) S. Jamet, J. Bubnell, P. Pfister, D. Tomoiaga, M.E. Rogers, and P. Feinstein.(2015)

In vitro Mutational Analysis of the β2 Adrenergic Receptor, an in vivo Surrogate Odorant Receptor

PLoS One. 2015 Oct 29;10(10):e0141696. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141696

Citations 1


35) J. Bubnell, S. Jamet, D.Tomoiaga, C.D’Hulst, K. Krampis, J. Zhang, T. Bozza and P. Feinstein. (2015) 

In vitro Mutational and Bioinformatics Analysis of the M71 Odorant Receptor and its Superfamily.

PLoS One. 2015 Oct 29;10(10):e0141712. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141712

Citations 1


34) D. Bakalar, J. Tamaiev, H. P. Zeigler, and P. Feinstein. (2015) 

Abolition of lemniscal barrellette patterning in Prxxl1 knockout mice: effects upon ingestive behavior.

Somatosens Mot Res. 2015 Dec;32(4):236-48. doi: 10.3109/08990220.2015.1086327

Citations 0


33)  J. Bubnell, Patrick Pfister, Maria L. Sapar, Matt Rogers, and P. Feinstein. (2013)

Beta2adrenergic Fluorescent protein fusions traffic to plasma membrane and retain functionality.

PLoS One. 2013 Sep 23;8(9):e74941. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074941.

Citations 6


32) C. D’Hulst, I. Paranova, D. Tomoiaga, M. L. Sapar, and P. Feinstein. (2013)

Fast quantitative real-time PCR based screening for common chromosomal aneuploidies in mouse embryonic stem cells.

Stem Cell Reports, Volume 1, Issue 4, 350-359, 26 September 2013

Citations 1


31) J. Zhang, R. Pacifico, D. Cawley, P.Feinstein and T. Bozza. (2013)

Ultrasensitive detection of amines by a trace amine-associated receptor. 

J Neurosci. Feb 13;33(7):3228-39. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4299-12.2013.

Citations 31


30) J. Zhang, G, Huang, A. Dewan, P. Feinstein, T. Bozza. (2012)

Uncoupling stimulus specificity and glomerular position in the mouse olfactory system.

Mol Cell Neurosci. 2012 Aug; 51,79-88. Epub 2012 Aug 21

Citations 10


29) A.Vassalli, P. Feinstein, and P. Mombaerts (2010)

Homeodomain binding motifs modulate the probability of odorant receptor gene choice in transgenic mice.

Mol Cell Neurosci. 2011 Feb;46(2):381-96. Epub 2010 Nov 26.

Citations 19


28) L. Capello, D. Roppolo, V.P. Jungo, P. Feinstein and I. Rodriguez. (2009)

A common gene exclusion mechanism used by two chemosensory systems.

Eur J Neurosci. 2009 Feb;29(4):671-8. Epub 2009 Feb 6

Citations 7


27) T. Bozza, A. Vassalli, S. Fuss, JJ. Zhang, B. Weiland, R. Pacifico, P. Feinstein and P. Mombaerts. (2009)

Mapping of ClassI and ClassII odorant receptors to glomerular domains by two distinct types of olfactory sensory neurons in the mouse.

Neuron 61: 1-13

Citations 95


26) A. Walz, P. Feinstein, M. Khan and P. Mombaerts. (2007)

Axonal wiring of guanylate cyclase-D-expressing olfactory neurons is dependent on neuropilin 2 and semaphorin 3F.

Develelopment 134: 4063-4072

Citations 46


25) P. Mombaerts and P. Feinstein. (2005)

Axonal Wiring through Odorant Receptors.

S. Grillner and A.M. Graybiel ed. Microcircuits. The interface between Neurons and Global

Brain Function. Dahlem Workshop Report 93. Cambride, MA: The MIT Press.



24) A. Rothman, P. Feinstein, J. Hirota, and P. Mombaerts. (2005)

The Promoter of the Mouse M71 Odorant Receptor.

Mol. Cell.  Neurosci. 28: 535– 546 (doi:10.1016/j.mcn.2004.11.006)

Citations 58


23) P. Feinstein, T. Bozza, I. Rodriguez, A. Vassalli, and P. Mombaerts (2004)

Axon Guidance of Mouse Olfactory Sensory Neurons by Odorant Receptors and The β2 Adrenergic Receptor.

Cell 117: 833-846

Citations 220

22) P. Feinstein and P. Mombaerts (2004)

A Contextual Model for Axonal Sorting into Glomeruli of the Mouse Olfactory System.

Cell 117: 817-831

Citations 237


21) D.J. Zou, P. Feinstein, A.L.Rivers, G.A. Mathews, A. Kim, C.A. Greer, P. Mombaerts, and S. Firestein (2004)

Postnatal refinement of peripheral olfactory projections.

Science 304: 1976-1979.

Citations 161

20) J. Li, T. Ishii, P. Feinstein, and P. Mombaerts (2004)

Odorant Receptor Gene Choice is Reset by Nuclear Transfer from Mouse Olfactory Sensory Neurons. 

Nature 428: 393-399

Citations 208


19) S.S. Wang, J.W. Lewcock, P. Feinstein, P. Mombaerts, and R.R. Reed (2004)

Genetic Disruptions of O/E2 and O/E3 Genes Reveal Involvement in Olfactory Neuron Projection.

Development 131: 1377-1388

Citations 88


18) L. Belluscio, C. Lodovichi , P. Feinstein, P. Mombaerts and L. Katz (2002)

Odorant Receptors Organize Local Circuitry in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb.

Nature 419: 296-300

Citations 131


17) A.Vassalli, A. Rothman, P. Feinstein, M. Zapotocky and P. Mombaerts (2002)

Minigenes Impart Odorant Receptor-Specific Axon Guidance in the Olfactory Bulb.

Neuron 35: 681-696

Citations 187


16) T. Bozza, P. Feinstein, C. Zheng and P. Mombaerts (2002)

Odorant Receptor Expression Defines Functional Units in the Moue Olfactory System. 

Journal of Neuroscience 22(8): 3033-43

Citations 313


15) H.B. Treloar, P. Feinstein, P. Mombaerts anc C.A. Greer (2002)

Specificity of Glomerular Targeting by Olfactory Sensory Axons.

Journal of Neuroscience 22(7): 2469-77

Citations 161


14) S.M. Potter*, C. Zheng, D.S*. Koos*, P. Feinstein*, S.E. Fraser* and P. Mombaerts*

(2001) Structure and Emergence of Specific Olfactory Glomeruli in the Mouse.

Journal of Neuroscience 21(24): 9713-23 *All authors contributed equally              

Citations 238


13) A.C. Perry, A. Rothman, J.I. de las Heras, P. Feinstein, P. Mombaerts, H.J. Cooke and T. Wakayama (2001)

Efficient Metaphase II Transgenesis with Different Transgene Archetypes.

Nature Biotechnology 19(11): 1071-3

Citations 66


12) L. Feiner, A.L. Webber, C. B. Brown, M. M. Lu, L. Jia, P. Feinstein, P. Mombaerts, J.A. Epstein, J. Raper (2001)

Targeted Disruption of Semaphorin 3C Leads to Persistent Truncus Arteriosus and Aortic Arch Interruption.

Development 128(16): 3061-70                          

Citations 247


11) P. Cohen, C. Zhao, X. Cai, J.M. Montez, S.C. Rohani, P. Feinstein, P. Mombaerts and J.M. Friedman. (2001)

Selective Deletion of Leptin Receptor in Neurons Leads to Obesity.

Journal of Clinical Investigation 108(8): 1113-21

Citations 523


10)  S. Xie, P. Feinstein and P. Mombaerts (2000)

Characterization of a Cluster Comprising  ~100 Odorant Receptor Genes in Mouse.

Mammalian Genome 11:1070-1078                                                        

Citations 31


9) J. Strotmann, S. Conzelmannn, A. Beck, P. Feinstein, H. Breer and P. Mombaerts (2000)

 Local Permutations in Glomerular Array of the Mouse Olfactory Bulb.

Journal of Neuroscience 20(18): 6927-6938

Citations 181


8) C. Zheng, P. Feinstein, T. Bozza, I. Rodriguez and P. Mombaerts (2000)

Peripheral olfactory projections are differentially affected in mice deficient in a cyclic nucleotide-gated channel subunit.

Neuron 26:81-91.

Citations 204


7) J. Strotmann, R. Hoppe, S. Conzelmann, P. Feinstein, P. Mombaerts and H. Breer. (1999) 

Small subfamily of olfactory receptor genes: structural features, expression pattern and genomic organization.

Gene 236:281-291

Citations 42


6) I. Rodriguez, P. Feinstein and P. Mombaerts (1999)

Variable Patterns of Axonal Projections of Sensory Neurons in the Mouse Vomeronasal System.

Cell 97:199-208

Citations 327


5) P.G. Feinstein, K. Kornfeld, D. S. Hogness and R. S. Mann (1995)

Identification of Homeotic Target Genes in Drosophila melanogaster Including nervy, a Proto-Oncogene Homologue.

Genetics 140:573-586

Citations 115


4) L. R. Levin, P-L Han, P.M. Hwang, P. G. Feinstein, R.L. Davis and R.R. Reed (1992)

The Drosophila Learning and Memory Gene rutabaga Encodes a Ca+/Calmodulin-Responsive Adenylyl Cyclase.

Cell 68: 479-489

Citations 390


3) P. G. Feinstein, K. Shrader, H. A. Bakalyar, W. J. Tang, J. Krupinski, A. G. Gilman, and R .R. Reed (1991)

Molecular Cloning and Biochemical Characterization of a Ca++/Calmodulin Insensitive Adenylate Cyclase from Rat Brain.

PNAS 88(22):10173-10177

Citations 260


2) J. Krupinski, F. Coussen, H. A. Bakalyar, W. J. Tang, P. G. Feinstein, K. Orth, C. Slaughter, R. R. Reed, and A. G. Gilman (1989)

Amino Acid Sequence of an Adenylyl Cyclase Suggests a Channel- or Transporter-Like Structure.

Science 244:1558-1564

Citations 663


1) J. Pevsner, R.R. Reed, P.G. Feinstein, and  S.H. Snyder(1988)

Molecular Cloning of Odorant-Binding Protein: Member of a Ligand Carrier Family.

Science 241:336-339

Citations 219


Last Updated ( Sunday, 25 April 2021 22:21 )